Category Archives: Save or Splurge

New covers ….

Life is back to normal in our household and it is really good to have hubby home from India. He looked a little thinner than when he left (I am so not jealous!!) but all in all he is in really good health. The kids were delighted to see him and each child enjoyed getting some treasures from India too. He bought me some fabulous fabrics and some lovely colourful cushion covers. Yesterday I decided to kill some time while waiting for him to come home and I decided to recover my dining room chairs. These are the chairs that I won off Ebay for 99c but the cushions were looking a bit sad. I found some fabric at the op shop the other day  for about $1 so I decided to use that. It was a very simple process of unscrewing the chairs seats from the frames and covering the cushion using tacks to hold the fabric in place. Then I simply screwed the seats back on and hey presto, in no time we had new seats. The only problem was that there was only enough fabric for 4 seats so I covered the last two chairs in plain cream calico that I had. I am considering whether I should monogram hubby and my initials on each cream chair as they are the two chairs at the end of the table – I will think about that for now. So all in all my table and the 6 chairs as well as recovering them has cost me $43.


My lounge suite is looking tired although it is still very comfortable and solid. The fabric is wearing out on the arms and backs and we don’t have money to buy a new one. The solution – recover it myself with loose covers that can be washed. The problem – it will be trial and error as I don’t really know what I am doing!! So this is not a tutorial as it would be the blind leading the blind – it is simply the end result photos of what I have achieved. I did not want to spend a fortune on fabric because if it had been a disaster then I would have kicked myself for spending too much. I found two different fabrics at the op shop – enough to cover two armchairs and it cost me $10 so that was okay in my book!! Here is the one chair recovered –  not a brilliant job, but not too bad either. I will post photos of the other chair when it is done to show you how that looks.

This is how my lounge suite looks before the covers.

And here it is with the cover on.

The colourful cushion cover was a gift from Hubby from India – it picks up my Greece painting colours so well.

The fabric.

Makeshift Headboard

I have been looking for a headboard for our bed on ebay for awhile. Although I have seen some beautiful ones, and even bid on a few, I am not prepared to pay a fortune – I believe if I persevere that I will get something I like at a great price. In the meantime I have made a temporary plan. When I won my 99c couches on ebay, they came with thin foam matresses under the cushions. I pulled them out today and covered them with some fabric I got at the op shop a while ago. I didn’t even sew them – I just pinned them with safety pins at the back. It is very basic and a little crooked in places but it will serve its purpose for now. So all up my makeshift headboard cost me $2 – not bad hey?

I like this fabric – it is lovely and has a bit of colour in the stripe.

This is the abandoned chair I found – it now sits next to hubby’s bed – I have moved the white one next to my bed. I haven’t painted this one – I quite like the contrast between the two chairs so for now it stays brown.

There is something about white bedlinen – not too practical with kids, but I love it anyway.

Creative Shopping…

I have learned over the last few years how to shop more creatively for Christmas and Birthday presents. As the children have gotten older so there desires have gotten more expensive and being able to meet these needs has not always been possible. Over the last year I decided that being stressed out and ending up in debt at these times is not an option and so I have resolved to be organised and shop early using layby as an option. We are currently having a huge toy sale at one of Australia’s big department stores and so I popped in and put aside a few items for Aaron for Christmas. Normally I would not be able to afford these but with 5 months to pay them off it makes it possible. I did this last year and we had a great Christmas and there was no debt left at the end so I am sold on it.

Another creative way to shop is to look on auction sites like ebay or trade me (I realise that my South African family don’t have this option or privilege). My son wants an X Box 360 for his birthday and they are so expensive – over $400 new and then the games are $100 plus – who on earth can afford that?? I went on ebay and managed to win an auction for an almost brand new, hardly used  X Box that comes with 5 games for a fraction of the cost of a new one. I was delighted with the purchase.

Learning to shop in ways we are not always familiar with or comfortable with is something that we should overcome. Garage sales, op shops, auction sites, layby – whatever it is can save us heaps of dollars at the end of the day. I am also looking at making gifts more creative this year. I want to make some of my gifts so that they have memories attached to them – my goal is to give each child one special handmade item from us for Christmas – these are a good way to remember special times as a family and to treasure them. Hopefully I can get the kids to make each other a special gift too. As we become more advanced technologically and things become more affordable and disposable, so we become greater consumers and this is not always a good thing. Sometimes it is good to sit back and smell the roses.

Hubby and I were chuckling the other day because we have a TV channel here that has all the really old shows. Shows like The Partridge Family, Jeannie, Bewitched, The Flintstones, the Jetsons and Here’s Lucy are on. The kids just love watching them which amazes us. It tells me that even our kids can enjoy wholesome family entertainment after seeing amazing technology in the cinemas here. Sometimes the good old ways of doing things don’t have to become outdated and old fashioned. So think of ways you can recycle, re-use or create something from scratch or a way to shop creatively that does not put you into debt or leave you stressed at the end of the year. Happy Shopping!!

13 reasons to Op shop

The other day I was at a friend’s house. We got onto the topic of op shopping and before I could own up to the fact that I love doing this type of shopping she blurted out, “I couldn’t think of anything worse than wearing dead people’s clothes!” I must admit, I thought that was a weird statement- I have never thought of the treasures I have found at op shops as coming from dead people – and even if they are from someone who has passed on – I hope I can treasure and love them as much as their previous owners would have. So here is my pathetic attempt to make you wonder whether op shopping could be the latest thing for you:

  • There is nothing nicer than getting an item you have looked for new at a fraction of the price.
  • It makes you aware how much we spend on brand new things that are not necessary.
  • Where could you ever get an entire wardrobe of clothing for under $20?
  • Op shops meet  everyone’s needs in the family in one store – from toys to books to clothing to furniture.
  • It inspires creativity – there are always items that require revamping to make them into something useful.
  • Look for specials or coloured price tags that are marked down that day.
  • Sometimes real antiques or treasures can be found for next to nothing.
  • It supports community organisations that help the poor.
  • Sometimes brand new clothing with the price tags on can be found.
  • It does not put you into debt
  • It fulfills the need for retail therapy without the depression of an overrun credit card to pay off.
  • You get to know the locals by shopping in one store often – it becomes more personal.
  • And last but not least – it is great fun rifling through the racks to see what treasures you can find.

So next time you are off to spend a fortune at the shops, think again and pop into that op shop first – with an open mind and an unbiased heart – you might surprise yourself and actually love it.

Home touches

Winter is beginning to set in this week. We have moved to rainy weather with the temperature dropping considerably from our unseasonably warm weather last week. Usually a temperature of 15 degrees wouldn’t really bother me when we have come from New Zealand and this would be the normal temperature at this time of the year, but when you jump from a 29 degree week down to temperatures between 13 and 15 degrees I can’t help but feel a bit chilly most of the time. Fortunately we have ducted heating in our home which is wonderful and makes all the difference.

Our home is coming along nicely. We continue to be blessed in little ways that make a huge difference to us all. Yesterday I found  a family on ebay who live near us – they had ripped out their carpet to put in new carpet and wanted to get rid of their old carpet for free. I have been looking for rugs for awhile but have not found what I want so I decided this would be a good option for the time being. We now have carpet in our lounge, diningroom and rumpus room. It really does make a difference to the house – it adds warmth and comfort to our rooms.

We were also given two more single beds for the children yesterday – A3 has been sleeping on a camp bed for the last two months and E13 has had a very old mattress and base that had seen better days, so now we all have beds that are good. A3 was really delighted with his new blue bed and we have given Z10 the lovely wooden bed after shifting her bed to E13’s room. All is good now and we basically have everything we need. We are so thankful for provision.

As I type this we have been given a really lovely sleeper couch for our rumpus room – I know this sounds ridiculous as I read it, but we are overwhelmed by all that has come our way.

Hubby has been very industrious and has divided the rumpus room and living area (which had no door between them) with a bookshelf that he has made. It is rather rustic and we still need to paint it, but it gets the job done and will look good when finished. We now have a mini library in our lounge and are busy collecting old books from the op shops to fill up the shelves.

We hosted our first group of visitors on the weekend – six people and there was no problem fitting everyone in. It is lovely to have the space to be hospitable and makes it less stressful.  We are also meeting in our home now for home group and that has been fabulous – it means it certainly makes it easier for me with A3 being in his familiar environment.

Thrifty Treasures

I popped into my local Op shop today to see what they had – I had no intention of buying anything but they had amazing things today and I could not resist (it’s that addiction I’m afraid). I felt very thrilled with what I got  – have a look and see if you think I got a bargain.

This is a lovely cream tablecloth with a subtle pattern – it is fairly large and is in perfect condition – no stains.

These place mats (8 of them) are a butter yellow and also in lovely condition.

Then I spotted something I have been wanting to collect for a very long time but even my favourite auction sites sold them for more than I wanted to spend. I held my breath that this would go for a steal – it did! I am planning to buy different glass decanters and perfume bottles to make a pretty collection. The stopper on this one is pretty heavy so it must be crystal I’m guessing.

Then I got practical – I found Z10 a winter school fleece.

These two boards caught my eye as I have been looking for something similar. M15 wants a pinboard for all her things and I want a notice board/inspiration board/memo board or whatever you would like to call it. I found both these corkboards and I plan to convert them into something pretty and practical very soon, but will blog about that later.

I always look at frames even if they have ugly pictures inside in the hope of revamping them to use for my own pictures. I found this beautiful wooden frame with a lovely quaint picture in it – M15 loves old/historical pictures so I thought this would look gorgeous in her room. Not sure if I will keep the wooden frame or paint and distress it to look old – we’ll see!!

This little piece of fabric was actually a roll cushion cover that was split – I love the print and plan to open it out to use on my memo board.

I also got a very small gold photo frame to add to my collection.

The weather is starting to change here and I have been on the lookout for a doona/duvet cover or quilt for my bed as my sheet and blanket are no longer warm enough. I spotted a  queen size duvet in great condition and grabbed it as fast as I could.

A3 and I must have looked a sight walking home with the stroller loaded a mile high – I really looked like a bag lady today, but who cares – I got a bargain!!

So this is what it all cost:

  • 2 corkboards               $3
  • Decanter                        $2
  • Duvet                              $3
  • Picture                           $3
  • School top                    $1
  • Placemats                     $2
  • Little gold frame          50c
  • Roll cushion fabric     50c

Total for everything    $15             

Stay tuned for the memo board revamp in the near future!!

I love Thrift stores….

There is nothing better than finding a bargain or an old piece of “junk” and turning it into something that becomes beautiful added to your home. I particularly love things that have character or have been loved in someone else’s home. In fact I think I am a thrift store addict! There, I’ve confessed my weakness to all in blogland. I am seeking help for this addiction, but no matter how hard I try, I just can’t pass that thrift shop door. I hear treasures calling my name all the time and before I know it I am leaving the store with a handful of all sorts and only a few dollars out of my purse. I thi nk that’s what I love the most about thrifting – if you know where the good stores are you can get things for next to nothing.

A few weeks ago when Hubby was due to arrive for a weekend visit, I decided to look for a pretty dress. I can hear my family gasping in shock as I am not really a girly girl and don’t often wear dresses – that is until I moved to Melbourne where it is so hot!! So I was looking for something that was striking but not too smart – that I could wear anytime. As I went into the thrift store I saw a lady holding this dress and I just knew that it was the one. Relax, I didn’t mug her for it – I still have some thrift store manners, however I did stalk her a little around the shop, pretending to look at things while eyeing that dress out. Eventually she headed for the change room and I have never prayed so hard that a dress would not fit someone. It seemed like ages befor she came out and I wasn’t sure whether she was going to take it or not. To my relief she put it back on the rack. Then I was like a mad woman – I had to get that dress before someone else got it. Once I had it in my hands my prayers changed to, “please let it fit me!!!”  Well it all turned out well as I got the dress and paid $3 for it and hubby loved it when he arrived and I was wearing it.

Today I was back at the thrift store and found some more treaures. I bought three cushions – don’t you love the tassels on these – they are lovely and so soft.

I found two more frames for my photo wall and so will keep adding to it.

The best find today was a suede skirt that will look stunning with my boots this winter. It was in great condition and I only paid $3 for it. Now where could you get brand name wear for such a bargain!! You might get to see a photo of me in it this winter!

So if you have never shopped at thrift stores and it is part of your culture – what are you waiting for – get out there!!!

cost of living…

Although I usually don’t make a habit of comparing one place I have lived with another as I enjoy each experience that I have  in each place I just can’t help myself in this post. I am currently living on New Zealand dollars in Australia while hubby works out his notice in NZ and so that alone should be stretching financially as the NZ dollar is, shall we say, a bit pathetic at the moment against the Oz dollar. So I lose a lot of cash each time we transfer it across. I have been challenged to be very budget conscious here but surprisingly it has shown me how much cheaper a lot of items are here in Australia. This has left me wondering why we paid so much in NZ for certain products and now understanding why we struggled so much.

Here are a list of products and the cost in NZ as opposed to Australia. Please don’t attack me if I am slightly wrong – I am going on memory as to the NZ prices and I will try and post the best NZ price as I remember it. One thing to remember is that Aussie salaries seem to be better overall than NZ salaries which makes me scratch my head further!!

Product                                                               Australia                                                 NZ

Fresh Milk Standard 3 Litres                            $3- 09                                                        $3-59

Longlife Milk   1 Litre                                     $1-07                                                         $1-89

Bread white                                                           $1-08                                                          $1-45

Cheese Tasty  1 kg                                               $6-99                                                          $8-99

Sugar white 1.5 kg                                                    $1-65                                                           $2-25

Margarine Canola 1kg                                        $1-89                                                           $3-95

Pasta spaghetti                                                      99c                                                               $1-25

Tinned Tuna 425g                                                $1-89                                                           $3-85

Rockmelon                                                             99c                                                                $2-00  up

Flour  1 kg                                                               99c                                                                $1-99

Bacon 1 kg                                                             $6-60                                                            $8-00 up

Frozen Mixed Veggies 1 kg                            $1-59                                                             $1-99 up

Fruit juice 3 litres                                              $1-99                                                              $2-99

Eggs 12 dozen                                                       $1-99                                                             $2-99

Toilet paper 12 pack                                          $2-99                                                             $3-65

Scotch Finger Biscuits                                       99c                                                                  $1-20

Boneless Chicken breasts   per kg                 $7-99                                                             $9-99

Beef mince per kg                                                $4-99                                                              $5-99

Granted there are some odd things that are cheaper in NZ – I think ice -cream may be one of those things as are avocadoes (although I have been assured that they will drop in price eventually). Washing powder seems expensive here in Australia but I still need to shop around. It’s all about knowing where to go to shop – we have a great and very cheap shop here called Aldi – the prices are very low but they don’t have a huge selection of choice of products – I can cope with that!!! Apologies that my lists are not all lined up for easy reading – I’m not sure how that happened but it makes for exciting reading!!

The Joy of Layby

I am usually not terribly organised when it comes to Christmas. In fact I will be one of those people running around on Christmas eve trying to get my last minute gifts and hating the madness of the shopping mall, not being able to get a parking and so on. Each year I vow to be more organised and somehow I never seem to  get there. Well miracles do happen and this year I am well on my way to having everything under control which is a good thing as we are shifting out of our home to housesit on Saturday.

About 2 months ago I decided to start my shopping for the kids for Christmas by buying on layby. I do not have a credit card which is marvellous so this enabled me to buy some things on special but pay them off over three months. I also like the idea of not getting the goods till they are paid off as this curbs wild spending and makes me have to budget so as to pay off some of the gifts each week. This is the way to go in my opinion. There will be no debt to face in the New Year and everyone will have great gifts as I would not have been stuck a few days before Christmas with a small budget. I have almost bought everything – just a few more things to get and all will be good.

Mostly I have enjoyed being organised as I know that I am going to just enjoy having Christmas withoout racing around last minute. I can now focus on what we will eat and do for Christmas day knowing I don’t have to share out my budget between food and presents. I am sold on this layby idea and next year hope to start doing this even earlier – in fact every time there are sales, that would be a good time as you get the item at sale price but can pay it off!!

The only problem I am having is keeping the gifts hidden from nosey little bodies!!