Category Archives: Community

Run Baby Run

It has been four weeks since we joined our local Parkrun and I am so surprised to say that I am really enjoying the runs. I have always had a bit of a mental block when it comes to running because I always used to get extremely painful shins and calves everytime I ran. Not to mention the fact that I would hardly be able to move for three days afterwards. This never helped me get over the hurdle of getting to the point of enjoying running. That is until now. First thing Hubby made me do was buy decent running shoes and what a difference it has made – I don’t ever get sore shins and calves anymore which is half the battle won. 

He announced to me one day that he had found a great community event we could be involved in – the Parkrun. Parkrun organise free, weekly, 5km timed runs around the world. They are open to everyone, free, and are safe and easy to take part in. Running in scenic places also makes it far more pleasant and the sense of community fun is awesome. So every Saturday morning we bundle the two boys into the car and head off to our local park called Berwick Springs for our 8 am start. We have even managed to convince Michaela to join us the last couple of times and she has done so well. Like me she went from 0 km to 5 km in one go and was amazed that she could actually do it. This last week she and I both smashed our times for a new personal best so it is very exciting. Parkrun time you each week and then email your results to you later in the day. They also have volunteer photographers who come and take photos each week so the photos on this blog post are courtesy of Parkrun. All they ask is that every runner volunteers at least twice a year to help with the run so that it can continue – pretty good way to get a free run in each week. To find out more go to Parkrun to check it out. I laughed when I saw the photos – I reckon I run so slowly that I look like I am out for a casual walk in all of them. I have also had to learn how to run with a stroller – not an easy task when there are nearly 300 people running and you have to manoeuvre through the throng. It also means that I get to start right at the back of the field which suits me fine. The great thing about this run is that you compete with yourself by trying to better your time each week. I love not having the pressure to feel like it is a race. 

It has also done wonders for my confidence and really motivated me to find some other challenging runs – I have a few in mind but just not sure yet. My ultimate goal is to participate in the Pink Triathlon next January – not a huge event but I have always wanted to do a triathlon ever since Hami caught the bug – watching him participate always motivated me. 

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parkrun montage2The day before Australia Day was an event and  we all had to dress up in our Aussie gear -I donated my shirt to Michaela so she and Hami looked like twins. There were some interesting outfits. I must say as much as I love living here in Oz, I still feel like a Kiwi and see myself as one. I still have a very soft spot for New Zealand and not sure if that will ever go away.

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Thanks Everyone

Hi everyone,

I received wonderful news today and it’s all thanks to you!! This is the email I received:

Hi Caro Hemingway,

Congratulations! With 61 percent of the vote, your Hub was selected by the HubPages community as a winner! Excited? We are!

Your profile picture and an excerpt and link to your Hub will be included in today’s weekly HubPages newsletter that is sent to over 150,000 HubPages community members. You will also receive the HubNuggets Accolade, one of the rarest Accolades on HubPages.

Let me be the first to congratulate you and encourage you to continue to write such wonderful Hubs. You’re an example for all Hubbers who are getting started and an encouragement to “veterans” as well.

We hope that you continue to enjoy writing at HubPages and participating in the community. We certainly enjoy your work.

Congratulations again, and we look forward to seeing you around.
– Patty Inglish – MS

What can I say but thank you to everyone who voted for me – without your support I would never have achieved this – it has really helped boost my confidence and will give me more exposure so THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

I must say it was a great way to start the day! I have been feeling very excited about certain things unfolding in our lives – can’t exactly say what they are but I have itchy feet (This is probably not a good sign) and I am itching for some change. I can’t help myself – I am a nomad and it’s all my parents fault I think (just kidding Mom and Dad – I love that I like adventure or life would be so boring!!). The last few weeks I have found myself looking at real estate and dreaming of our own home. At this point we would need a miracle to get there, but hey, one can dream right? Now usually when I look at houses, I look at what we could possibly afford – that means they are too small for our family and we would have to squeeze in, but lately I have been looking at my dream property and not at the cost of it -okay I don’t look at homes in the millions – not quite that big a dreamer yet , but I have seen some amazing places that whet my appetite. I figure that if God doesn’t know exactly what I like then I won’t ever get it! This is the kind of house I absolutely love – yes a veranda is a must!!

I am not a girly girl, but when it comes to houses I do like pretty houses.

I have also looked at properties that are on bigger sections and slightly out of the suburbs so that we have views and space – I am longing for country living again and I really don’t know why. In the meantime Hami is indulging me and has built me a chicken coop in the backyard so that I can have a couple of egg-laying chooks. He has completely built this house out of thrown away materials and scraps he has found – the only expense we have had has been the chicken wire and that only cost us $20 for two rolls. Not bad when these coops sell for nearly $400 in the shops. I couldn’t even find one that cheap on Ebay. Couldn’t take any photos today but I will as soon as all building rubble is cleaned up.

Exams are over and Michaela is ecstatic. Zoe is getting ready for her year 6 graduation from primary school and so we are in the process of designing her a dress for it – I have decided to make her one and so hope that all goes well. Aaron starts his prep school orientation next week and is very excited about it all. I hope I will be allowed to take some photos of him.

So this is an exciting end to another year – looking forward to next year being even more promising!!

Making a difference – one life at a time

We live privileged lives – we have a warm home with a comfy bed to sleep in, clothes to wear, good education opportunities, a car, food in our tummies and great healthcare. And yet often we complain about our lack and our needs. If there is one thing I would like my children to learn in this life, it would be to have compassion and love for those less fortunate than themselves, to make a difference in whatever way they can without becoming indifferent to the plight of those less fortunate. In this area, we are passionate that mediocrity is not acceptable!!

We decided as a family a few years ago to sponsor a little girl from the Philippines who is about the same age as Zoe. So for the last few years we send a small amount to help her with her schooling, food and clothing and any other needs she may have. We write letters to her and receive letters from her periodically. This is a very simple thing and does not require much from us. Lately we have been challenged to become more involved in a hands on way. Our church has a trip to India planned for January and Hubby is very keen to go. I have always wanted to visit India. Our church partners with an orphanage there and another church in Delhi that feeds, clothes and educates street children. Our next desire is to sponsor two children from India – for the cost of a  takeout meal for our family here in Australia, we could sponsor two children for one month. We are hoping that we will get the opportunity to actually meet these children. I would love to take each of my children, over time, for a visit to India, so that they can see first hand those who need prayer, unconditional love and healing. This is a place where signs, wonders and miracles are beginning to happen in greater measure. Michaela has already expressed a desire to go and to be part of the outreach team next year, so that will be a goal for us.

If you would like to see more of the work we are doing or sponsor a child then look at  or 

Making a difference can be so simple!! Be Blessed as you go out and bless others.

Faithful God!!

God is so faithful in every way… It is incredible how he cares for us and meets our every need. We are moving into our new home tomorrow and I have been rather stressed this week trying to work out having enough money for the initial deposit and rent. A months rent is required as a bond and then another months rent up front so it is a hefty sum. Added to my worries were the fact that our NZ dollars when exchanged shrank considerably and I had uniform and book costs for the children’s schooling. With all these factors I was $43 short for my rent/bond tomorrow. I decided not to worry about it anymore and trust God to meet this need in time. Today in church while I was worshipping I felt God remind me of the gold coins that were found in the fish’s mouth to pay taxes, and I felt God say to me,  ” I am going to send you a fish.”

After church we had coffee and I was telling everyone how excited we were to be moving into our home and that it feels like we are receiving a giant lucky dip because we don’t know what furniture is coming as people have blessed us in so many ways. As I was running to the car to leave church, someone ran up to me with an envelope and said that it was a gift that someone wanted to give us as a family. Inside was money – over eight times the amount I needed. This enables us to move, buy school items we still need and have enough food till our next lot of cash comes. God supplied my fish as He promised me in church. Not only what I desperately needed but abundantly more!! How good and faithful is He!!

E13 was blown away in church as well this morning. He came sidling up to me during worship and showed me his hands. They were covered in Gold and silver dust. God is showing not only me but the children his grace, favour and love as well in this time. I have so much to be thankful for…


We have been waiting almost a year to be granted citizenship of New Zealand. When I applied for us, I wasn’t sure whether we qualified and I took a bit of a chance applying. The only reason I applied when I did, was because I felt God prompting me to do it. Well, when He prompts me I have learned to listen and it has paid off!! We are thrilled to have been notified that we have been granted citizenship and now all we have to do is wait for a ceremony to take place. I am hoping that it will be very soon and that  we can do this before the end of the year. God is so good to us.

market news

Our car boot sale was a great success – the fact that it didn’t rain all morning was in itself a miracle, but the turnout was wonderful for a first time market. There were heaps of exciting stalls selling all sorts of interesting products from beautiful soaps and candles to fabric to clothing to antiques, knick knacks and books, dvds and more. The cake stall went down a treat and the food stalls made a mint. There was live music and a jumping castle for the kids as well as a laser strike for them to spend mum and dad’s hard earned dollars. This was a great start to our Zimbabwe project and exciting to know that the dream of getting the medical supplies there is one step closer.

car boot sale montage


zimbabwe montage

This weekend our church is hosting a car boot sale, to raise funds for the medical supplies that were donated to my friend, to be shipped to Zimbabwe. We are hoping to raise a heap of finance so that these supplies can get across the seas to those who desperately need them. The photos of the hospital in the block above is the hospital that we are sending them to – as you can see it is a very basic little hospital. Your part in helping us is to pray for us that doors open for us in the shipping sector and that we raise enough finance to send these goods. We believe prayer can move mountains and these goods feel a bit like a mountain to us!!

Linking Arms

Team Work


I so admire a friend of mine who has set her mind to a task and is determined to see it through no matter what. Recently I wrote a blog about how I have been challenged to make a difference and how my heart for those who live in poverty and adverse circumstances has been stirred. I made a decision then that I need to put my hand to helping where I could rather than wishing I could make a difference. My friend has been raising money to send medical supplies to Zimbabwe – she has a garage full of donated medical goods but the shipping costs are horrendous. Have a look at my blogroll and check out Make a Plan – this will give you an idea of the task. I did try to upload some photos of the little hospital in Zimbabwe and a picture of all the supplies but to no avail. To see photos go to makeaplan.

Anyway I have decided to help her with raising funds for this project. This has made me aware that having a little encouragement and someone to help carry the load makes a difference for all of us. We all need to know that people believe in us, that others will link arms with us and help us  to get the job done. We’ve all heard the saying , ‘many hands make light work”. This is so true – a person can lose heart when feeling as though they are doing it all, but having someone draw alongside you gives courage, boldness to press on, fresh ideas and just someone to laugh with when the going gets tough. She has being doing an amazing job with raising funds although she wouldn’t agree – I think her tenacity and ongoing passion is commendable but it’s time to link arms and lend a helping hand. This little blog is just another way of getting people to hear about this project – go check out Make a Plan and donate if you feel compelled or buy something from the shop. Even suggestions from you as to how we can raise funds will be helpful and appreciated. We really want to see this little hospital in Zimbabwe benefitting which in turn will benefit and help numerous people living in tough times.  My challenge is this – don’t leave this page without at least offering a prayer for those in Zimbabwe or by helping in whichever way you can. We hope  many people will link arms with us to get this task done.


The other day a friend of ours sent us a dvd in the post about a church trip to India to an orphanage and various towns. As I watched the dvd I found my heart beginning to break for the millions of people there that live in such squalor and poverty. I found tears rolling down my cheeks as I watched people with leprosy, children who were abandoned because of sickness and poverty  and a people desperately seeking favour from their gods through bathing in a filthy river. But the thing that amazed me most with this dusty place was the colour that stood out and the joy that many of these people showed despite their circumstances. As I watched the team on the video praying for the sick and lame and touching the leprous and really reaching out in love, I again felt  a mixture of hope, joy and emotion. This is what life is about – God put us here to touch people – to make a difference in this world. Again I felt that my budget is huge in comparison to what those people have – we are blessed over and above a large portion of the world’s population. I have been feeling stirred in my heart over the last few months to stop living in passivity and to start doing what I can where I am. Yes we support a little filipino girl, but that is just a small start. I want to get to the end of my life and hear God say to me, “Well done good and faithful servant.”

Last night I just couldn’t get to sleep. I found my mind racing through all the things I could do that would help certain projects and people. I definitely want to be effective. A friend came up to me in church yesterday morning and said she had dreamed that I was in a dusty place that was not the nation I am in now, and that she saw me feeding many children but that there was so much joy. This could really make me nervous, but God has been speaking to my heart and maybe this is the orphanage from the dvd that I saw – I would love to visit and be a part of what they were doing. In the meantime, I pray that doors will open and that I will have the courage to step through them instead of peeping through the window. 


