Category Archives: Fashion Fun

I love Thrift stores….

There is nothing better than finding a bargain or an old piece of “junk” and turning it into something that becomes beautiful added to your home. I particularly love things that have character or have been loved in someone else’s home. In fact I think I am a thrift store addict! There, I’ve confessed my weakness to all in blogland. I am seeking help for this addiction, but no matter how hard I try, I just can’t pass that thrift shop door. I hear treasures calling my name all the time and before I know it I am leaving the store with a handful of all sorts and only a few dollars out of my purse. I thi nk that’s what I love the most about thrifting – if you know where the good stores are you can get things for next to nothing.

A few weeks ago when Hubby was due to arrive for a weekend visit, I decided to look for a pretty dress. I can hear my family gasping in shock as I am not really a girly girl and don’t often wear dresses – that is until I moved to Melbourne where it is so hot!! So I was looking for something that was striking but not too smart – that I could wear anytime. As I went into the thrift store I saw a lady holding this dress and I just knew that it was the one. Relax, I didn’t mug her for it – I still have some thrift store manners, however I did stalk her a little around the shop, pretending to look at things while eyeing that dress out. Eventually she headed for the change room and I have never prayed so hard that a dress would not fit someone. It seemed like ages befor she came out and I wasn’t sure whether she was going to take it or not. To my relief she put it back on the rack. Then I was like a mad woman – I had to get that dress before someone else got it. Once I had it in my hands my prayers changed to, “please let it fit me!!!”  Well it all turned out well as I got the dress and paid $3 for it and hubby loved it when he arrived and I was wearing it.

Today I was back at the thrift store and found some more treaures. I bought three cushions – don’t you love the tassels on these – they are lovely and so soft.

I found two more frames for my photo wall and so will keep adding to it.

The best find today was a suede skirt that will look stunning with my boots this winter. It was in great condition and I only paid $3 for it. Now where could you get brand name wear for such a bargain!! You might get to see a photo of me in it this winter!

So if you have never shopped at thrift stores and it is part of your culture – what are you waiting for – get out there!!!

School Ball

Hubby and I attended the school ball (where he teaches) on Saturday evening. I must say that I had great fun even though I wasn’t as formally dressed as the young girls that attended. There were some beautiful gowns that the girls wore (probably with beautiful price tags). The definite winner for best gown on a tiny budget would have to go to the young music teacher (who must be in her early 20’s) – she found her pale blue, off the shoulder gown at a thrift store for $1. Wish I had taken a photo of it!!

I ended up wearing a long black velvet dress that I already had in my cupboard. It cost me $2 at a thrift store. I wore my red boots with it too. I looked at  thrift stores all week for a shawl or a top that I could wear over my dress as it is still a bit chilly at night, but everything I found was too expensive. Eventually I bought a new black long sleeved top that I will get a lot of wear out of on a sale for $20. Hubby looked really dashing in his suit – what a good looking man I have!! Z9 picked out his clothing very proudly for him. His suit was also a thrift store find for $15 – in perfect condition.

I added a necklace that my children bought for me – a beautiful cross. M15 straightened my newly coloured hair and I was ready to go. The food was great and we danced until I had cramp in my feet. A really fun evening. Enjoy the photos.

Ball 09

Clothing for Less

Help!! I am attending a school ball with Hubby on Saturday Evening and I have nothing to wear and no budget to shop on. Actually I am not a dress person – definitely not the girlie sort of girl and so spending money on a dress I will only ever probably wear once is criminal to me. Don’t get me wrong – I like dresses – on other people. Somehow I don’t feel right in a dress (I’m a pants girl!!) – unless it is the perfect cut and shape for me, and I find those dresses hard to find. Anyway, maybe I will find a skirt and top as I will probably wear those more. I have decided not to spend a lot but to look for something I will wear again, and I am definitely shopping fo this outfit at a thrift store/opportunity shop. So wish me luck – I will post the results of what I find later with some pics of us on the night. So here’s hoping I am blessed and get some great bargains at the thrift store. I must say the challenge of finding the outfit on a budget is more appealing to me than the actual ball event – I love a challenge and looking for cool outfits in a large warehouse that has no particular order to it is a dream come true for me – can’t wait for that part!!

In the meantime here are some of my thrift store finds.

A $4 crossover shirt


A lovely skirt for $5 – has some great pockets!!



My beautiful red lace up boots for $8 – I might wear these on Saturday to the Ball as it is winter here and they could be quite funky!!





A colourful top that is very lightweight for $4 and quite retro.



My sandals that are so cute for $3- they have a gold heel and little diamond detail on them.



So looking good isn’t reserved for only those with smiling bank balances – we can all look good for less if we are willing to visit those thrift stores. Growing up in South Africa, we had no second hand clothing stores – and you would never buy pre-loved clothing as this was not considered the right, middle class thing to do. Oh how we missed out on such a brilliant way to clothe ourselves!!! I love thrift store clothes shopping – who wouldn’t feel good walking out a store with ten items or more of clothing for 40 bucks?? So…. is that elusive ball outfit waiting for me out there in thrift store land? – I hope so!!