Summer Holidays and Christmas Joy

I love this time of year – it is summer holidays and we are all unwinding. I love summer – it just makes me happy and beach days, BBQ’s and outdoor living all refresh my soul. The other day we all headed to the beach, desperate for a good day of sand, sea and sun – but it turned into the beach trip from hell! The weather was very warm which was great but unfortunately a very strong wind was blowing straight off the ocean and our usually sedate swimming beach turned into a choppy, impossible for little people to swim at, beach. Did I mention that we had to walk down a steep hill to get to our favourite beach, laden with umbrellas, beach toys, a cooler box full of food, deck chairs and a large bag full of towels, spare clothes etc.


Michaela had bought herself a giant inflatable watermelon to play on in the water but with the wind it was not even viable. So after twenty minutes of this ghastly weather I suggested we head across the peninsula to a beach on the opposite side hoping the wind wouldn’t be as fierce. So we trudged back up the hill with all our goodies and headed to another beach twenty- five minutes away.


We were delighted to discover that although the wind was now hitting us from behind the water at least was relatively calm and the kids could swim on the giant watermelon.


Let’s hope our next beach adventure will be more successful as we plan to spend Christmas day on the beach this year. Low key and simple is our goal. We will be having our delicious Christmas meal on Boxing Day (26th) because that way everyone will be able to attend with no work conflicts.

Hubby is fully into the summer holiday swing – he has created a worm farm and a maggot farm (to feed our chickens) and it is a roaring success. He is at his happiest pottering away in the garden.

I am in the meantime writing books and trying out some new recipes which I will blog about shortly.

This year I decided to put together a fun family photo with everyone. I found a background I liked and then photo shopped everyone into the picture to make it fun.


This is also the year I turned 50!! The older I get the more I am enjoying life and I had the most amazing birthday party with some of my close friends. These are the kind of moments where I really miss my family, but I had such a good party despite them being a continent away. I went all out with the table decor and it was such a fun night with good food, lots of wine and cocktails and great company – and of course my beloved FAMILY.



So as the end of the year approaches I have to say that I am truly grateful, blessed and expectant for what is to come. It has been a wonderful year for me – I got to publish my third novel, travel to South Africa and see my family, enter a new decade, work on new creative projects, build relationships with my kids as I spent hours of time in the car taxiing them to and fro, celebrate 27 years with my honey and so much more.

So to all my family and friends, I wish you a Happy Christmas and New Year – may it be a wonderful year for you all xx




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