I Haven’t Fallen off the Planet ….

Oh my goodness I got a shock when I visited my poor neglected blog to discover my last post was in February – FEBRUARY!!! So much has happened since then it has been insane. Anyway this will be somewhat a catch up blog post that may not make much sense at all. This has been such an exciting year for me – since publishing my first novel last December – The Awakening,  I am so close to publishing the second novel in the series. I have had such fun writing it and getting some creative things out there. Of course I can’t focus on one thing at a time so while writing the second book I am also a quarter of the way through the final book of the series ( at least I think it’s the final one!!) and busy trying to illustrate a children’s book I wrote a long time ago. Anyway enough about my writing – for more info you can visit my webpage at  http://hamicaro.wix.com/carolinehemingway

So what has been happening in our household:

I won’t blog about our fostering endeavours as you can read about that at Sweet Hope Chronicles if you want. In the meantime we have celebrated a 21st birthday with my eldest daughter, had my Mum-in-law visit from South Africa for a month, celebrated two other birthdays in the family, had a great summer, are half way through a cold, miserable winter, decided we are probably going to change the business niche we are establishing from what we originally decided (of course just to make things simple) and celebrated 26 years of marriage. In between that there have been may creative projects tackled but that will have to wait for another time.

Michaela decided she didn’t want a big party for her 21st – just something low key and family oriented. She chose a weekend away with the family to celebrate. Of course her friends were horrified and organized her a surprise dinner which was lovely and not too over the top for her. Then we went away to Philip Island for the weekend and stayed in a lovely home which was close to the beach. We made a beautiful dinner which we enjoyed and Hamilton’s speech to her had us all in tears ( even Aaron). He basically told her how proud we were of the beautiful woman she had become and commended her for always having a heart for others and for always questioning things to find the truth instead of aimlessly following others. We also put together a photo book of her life up till this point with all the memories we have made along the way living in three different countries.

21st montage2

21st collage

We also had a great time with Hamilton’s mum visiting us. We managed to get out and about despite the cold, rainy weather we had. It was good to catch up and hear about the family back in South Africa too.

mums visit montage

So life continues, the kids are getting bigger and all is good on this side of the world. Just hanging out now for  SUMMER!!

1 thought on “I Haven’t Fallen off the Planet ….

  1. Elaine

    Having a real desire to catch up on my blogging today, it was great to get to yours! After two years of drama it is so good to have the muse guiding again. Lovely to see and hear. Love and blessings to you all.


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